Dates and times
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09.30 to 18.00
Course summary

This course covers the basics of Permaculture, the design process that helps us to make more sustainable choices - from making lunch through to designing an eco house. The day will introduce participants to the core design principles and showcase inspiring examples of Permaculture in action. It assumes no previous knowledge, and can be taken by itself, or as a sampling before going on to a full 90 hour Design Course.

The areas covered on the course will be:

What is Permaculture? - its origins and definitions.
Permaculture ethics.
The design process.
Introduction to the principles used in Permaculture design.
How to apply Permaculture to our lives.
Design principles in action.
Some tools for designing and decision making.
Permaculture and food.
Inspiring stories and techniques.
How to get more involved - contacts, next steps and resources.

Peter's teaching style is inclusive and engaging, mixing media, learning styles and content to create a rich experience of inspiration, fun and information.


This fun and engaging course is being held in one of the only fully functional low carbon retrofit show homes in the South of England. Oak Tree House is an existing property that has been renovated with a wide range of low carbon technology, energy efficiency measures and renewable technology. Whilst taking your course at the house, you will have the opportunity to look around the property and learn what you could do in your own home to further reduce your carbon footprint or find out more about a renewable technology.
To book on the course visit the webpage -

Peter Cow
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
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Course type
Introduction to Permaculture

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