Dates and times
More info
We will begin the course in Proyecto Rúcula (Mula) on the 29th of March (from 3 pm onwards)and end in Las Torrentas, Calasparra on the 7th of April in the afternoon after lunch.
If you are travelling far and would like to arrive the afternoon before, please let us know.
You can also join the course for one weekend only (150 euros) or just for the day (40 euros/day).
If you would like, you can volunteer at one of the farms between weekends.
We are using a sliding scale of 275 to 350€ for the whole course, so that you can pay more or less depending on your economic situation.
The price includes meals, accomodation and transport between projects.
If you aren´t able to participate in the whole course, you can come for one weekend, or one day only.
Price for one weekend: 150€.
Price for one day: 40€
We are accepting part payments in G1 social currency.
To book your place, please make a bank transfer or Bizum for 50€ when registering for the course. Bizum to 651181202.
Please write your given and surnames when booking.
Course summary

Permaculture course showcasing five very different permaculture projects in the Murcia and Albacete regions, in southeastern Spain. We are offering 15 places, and more than 45 hours of course time, for you to get to know some of the projects that form part of this regional permculture network. The course will include a multitude of workshops and guided tours, as well as the chance to re-connect with nature, celebrate, and enjoy the company of like-minded people.

The course is to be run over  two consecutive weekends, during which time participants will visit five different projects. Each day there will be a tour of the project, followed by a workshop that explores certain themes more in depth such as: kitchen garden and food forest design; natural building; zone 00 design; tools for personal and community resilience; support networks; and regenerative economies.

All meals are included in the cost, and will be prepared using organic ingredients where possible. All meals will be vegetarian. 

Participants will also have the option of being able to volunteer at one of the projects between the course weekends.

Certified teacher
José Miguel García; Jessica Farre Masip; Rubén Romero; Carlets García; Gori Torrecillas
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Course type
Practical Site Design
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email
Contact name
Ruben Romero
Contact telephone number
+34651181202 / Whatsapp +45 52785933

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