Dates and times
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Full PDC Course: evening of 13th March - evening of 23rd March (departures on morning of 24th March)

Optional Permablitz: 25-26 March 2014
Course summary

This PDC brings permaculture regeneration to 15 acres of Jamaican sugar plantation. Our host recently bought the site and is keen to set up a Permaculture demonstration residential smallholding.

All surveying, designing and implementing we carry out before, during and after the course will be real life, practical steps so that all involved can learn how to apply Permaculture principles, techniques and design to maximise resilience and abundance.

The course will also include the start of the design and planting for a food forest. The core of every PDC is developing design skills in each participant. We will explore many areas theoretically and practically – soil improvement, water management, developing buildings and infrastructure, using trees and plants and the highly important personal and social/community uses of Permaculture design, in which Peter is a specialist.

Design skills taught on the course are applicable in all areas of the world to all decision making processes. Techniques explored will range in application from cold and warm temperate through Mediterranean to Tropical. Peter has extensive experience in maritime temperate (UK) and the Mediterranean (Portugal).

Course facilities will be basic - camping accommodation, composting toilets and canvas structures. Catering will be provided by a Jamaican chef who will camp on site with us.

There will be an optional Permablitz following the course, where we will spend 2 more days physically developing the smallholding with local people.

Join us as we show how Permaculture can regenerate an ex-colonial plantation in Jamaica and spread Permaculture thinking in the island. Book online or blueparadisefarms at gmail dot com

Peter Cow
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

Contact name
Faheemah Luqman
Contact telephone number
0743 207 2677

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