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10am to 4pm
Course summary

A get together for Permaculture Diploma Apprentices and people on a Permaculture journey.
Bring your project work if you want. There will be a chance to do some peer to peer work.
This event will be based around on what you want. When you book a place you will be asked what you would like to cover in the session. It may just be meeting other people doing their diplomas.
Things we could have on the agenda
Writing up projects
Getting the most from your diploma journey
The 4 questions
Opportunities for tutorials. I am inviting other tutors.
See around my permaculturally designed garden
Only £25 which will include a light lunch and refreshments.…

Jo Barker
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Engagement style
Face to face

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