Dates and times
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No fixed start or finish dates. Enroll when you like and study in your own time.
£300, concessions available
Course summary

Learn at home, in your own time, with interactive contact with other learners and your tutor Caroline Aitken. There are no fixed start or end dates for the course and you can submit work as and when you are ready. This makes our course totally flexible to fit your own working pace and other commitments.

If you have your own land, whether garden, allotment, woodland or farm, you can use it for the site of your projects, making the course particularly relevant to you. But this is not necessary and any land in your locality which you have access to can give you a rich learning experience.

During the course there are many opportunities for two-way interaction with your tutor, Caroline Aitken, and with other course participants via an online forum, email and Skype conferences. So you will have the opportunity to ask questions, share experiences and exchange useful tips as you make progress.

The course includes:

a wealth of information in text, images and film
many practical activities embedded in the course material
links to a wide range of additional content on the internet
a range of practical projects which you can undertake, with personal feedback from your tutor
a forum where course participants can share ideas and experience
regular Skype conferences with Caroline Aitken
Caroline also participates in the forums and you can ask her questions there

For more detail on course content and structure, or the other modules in The Land Course Online, please see our website.

Certified teacher
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style

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