Dates and times
Course summary

n this 3 day course you will learn how to build a beautiful organic oven, built on a stone plinth and made from woven willow and clay from the land. You will spend 3 days designing and creating the oven with renowend architect Gordon Clarke. You will explore bread making fro around the world, from flat breads baked on stones or in ash pits, to ovens carved into the banks of streams. You will have the chance to look at extreme ovens, drawing upon Gordon's years of experience in guerilla kiln building. You will also have the opportunity to take part in a ceremeonial lighting of the oven on the last day.

Lunches will be provided by Wendy Cook who has a lifetime of experience with biodynamic cooking. There will be the opportunity to attend a further biodynamic cookery course with Wendy later in the year.

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Course type
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email
Contact name
Rachel Phillips
Contact telephone number

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