Dates and times
More info
Class contact time is Wednesday evenings 6 - 9 and Saturdays from 9.30 - 4.30. There are breaks between each module. Please email me for a detailed timetable.
£86 per module [£68 concessionary fee]
Course summary

Module 1: Permaculture Design – An Introduction
Students learn about the integrated design philosophy of permaculture. Module includes creating systems where we use waste as a resource, creating food systems which have as much biodiversity as we find in natural systems, designing a low maintenance food landscape which makes optimum use of what the site has to offer plus a visit to a permaculture garden.

Module 2: 21st Century Permaculture – Connective Living
In the context of a peak oil future learn about the various local food strategies here, in the UK & internationally. Investigate ways of creating food production & distribution schemes which make the most of our current resources. Explore the Transition ethos & look at case studies of Transition Towns. Several field trips & guest speakers.

Module 3: Permaculture - Eco lifestyles & Eco- nomics
This module focuses in on two of the most important aspects of modem living: energy creation & use and economics. We cover ways of creating more sustainable & durable buildings which use less energy & space. We explore how we can retrofit greenness onto our existing grey buildings. We explore how we can integrate alternative & sustainable energy generation into our lives. And we investigate how we can create robust & interconnected local economies, examining barter, local exchange trading systems, circulating goods & services within a region & bioregional mapping.
Several field trips.

Module 4: Permaculture - a focus on design
Learn how we can design integrated systems which connect up food growing, alternative energy, water management, waste management & eco-nomics. We will explore analysis techniques which help us to see & solve problems in different ways. You will work collaboratively in groups to come up with creative & workable solutions to real design briefs.

Michele Fitzsimmons [lead tutor]
Molly Scott Cato [eco-nomics] [tbc]
John Whitehead [microhydro] [tbc]
Peter Draper [green buildings] [tbc]
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Course contact email
Contact name
Michele Fitzsimmons

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