Dates and times
1000 euro
Course summary

The Permaculture Design Course (PDC) is a 72-hour internationally recognised training engaging head, heart and hands of participants to discover the principles and techniques of Permaculture.

At Tribewanted Monestevole in Umbria, Italy, we bring learning about Permaculture into its right context. At our sustainable community, not only will you become an accredited permaculturist, but you'll be able to put in practice all the theories on the permaculture gardens, urban gardens, with the animals and in the local kitchen.

Monestevole is a community consisting of 12 permanent residents managing a 40 hectare farm and offering visitors an authentic all-around ‘Farm to Table’ community experience.

Umbria is known as the green heart of Italy, with lush, sustainably managed landscapes and woodlands.

Find more information here:

Course Content

The curriculum explores the whole field of sustainability and the regeneration of land and culture. Topics covered include:

- Ethics & principles of Permaculture
- Observation techniques for connecting to & understanding ecology, climate & landscape
- Permaculture design methods and tools
- Mapping & design exercises
- Soil science, soil food web & natural soil improvement
- Organic food production & integrated animal systems
- Water management including harvesting, conservation, & management
- Land regeneration
- Agroforestry & forest gardening
- Appropriate technologies & renewable energy systems
- Urban permaculture including techniques & design strategies
- People & permaculture: personal patterns & the art of collaboration

Nicolo Tacconi
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

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