Dates and times
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Starts 16.00 on Friday 16th, ends Saturday 24th at 14.00
€840 before 15th July, €940 after.
Course summary

During this week we will explore what it means to create and to be community. We will use permaculture principles, permaculture design and practices from indigenous cultures worldwide as our main toolbox. At the same time we will be experiencing community life first-hand in the new eco-community of Haslachhof, which will be our venue, our village and our social landscape to design for and with.
We will also be sharing practices of cultural repair as they have been gathered and evolved over time by earth-based people and spread by the 8 Shields Institute. As well as connecting with self and others we will also connect to the land and its creatures - we are blessed to have forests and a creek nearby.
We will practice nature connected community design by working on design exercises relating to the Haslachhof community.
This course is for everyone interested in community design and suits people who have already done a full 72 hours permaculture design course and want to deepen their social permaculture skills as well as for people without any previous permaculture or nature connection experience who want to learn about community design and deep nature connection.

Come and...
Live a week in an evolving community
Learn about community building
Practice permaculture principles and social permaculture design
Explore techniques for cultural repair
Deepen your nature connection

Peter Cow, Lien de Coster and Sarah Daum
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Course type
Advanced Design Skills
Engagement style
Face to face

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