Dates and times
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We start late afternoon on Saturday 4th October, and finish late evening Friday 17th October, with departures on Satuday 18th morning.
Course summary

This certified PDC will take place in the mountains near Tarragona. It will cover the full UK curriculum, and add in extra nature connection modules such as bird language, deep sensory observation skills, sit spots and wildlife mapping.
The course will be led by Peter Cow, assisted by Ruth Cory and other guest teachers and apprentices. Peter and Ruth are both deeply passionate about nature connection and indigenous cultural wisdom. This course is partly inspired by the 8 Shields Institute, a US oganisation working on cultural regeneration and nature connection.
The course will be held at the newly established Medicago Escola Natura, a triple-site venue near Reus which combines a newly established broadscale mountain farm, a residential course venue and an 18 hectare 20 year old reforestation project. The course will be enriched by both the skills and experience of the facilitators, the rich course content, and the diverse landscapes available to us.

Peter Cow, Ruth Cory and guests
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Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

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