Dates and times
Sliding scale: £320 / £240 / £100.
Course summary

An Eco Permaculture holiday in Cornwall!!!
A unique opportunity to rewild and immerse ourselves in the visionary Plants for a
Future project for humans living in harmony with the natural systems.
Our host will be the sites custodian and creator, Addy Fern founder and custodian.
She began the Garden with husband Ken Fern in 1989?, the originator of the PFAF database.
Ken maintains his own amazing database while the PFAF database remains separate.
There is a historic connection.
 Re-wilding the Land, and Re-wilding ourselves;
 Explore the Relevance of Permaculture and Plants for a Future to the current
Ecological and Climate Crisis
 Learn how we can eat almost everything and meet many unusual edible and
useful plants

What: Theory, practicals and experiential weekend to immerse ourselves in the mature
food forest and wildness of this land.
Where: Plants for Future Land, Cornwall.
When: Friday afternoon to Sunday evening. August 12 th to 14 th 2022 before VON festival 
Who: Facilitators:Addy Fern and Jo Barker
Cost: Sliding scale: Concession £100. Standard Standard £240 Abundant £320
How many: Ltd spaces. 12 (upto 15 including volunteers)
What we will do:
 Nature connection and how we are Nature
 Introduction to Permaculture
 Plants and their uses
 Yoga
 Foraging
 Learn Practical skills
 Wild swimming
Vegan catering over the weekend
Access to he beautiful Plants for a Future site, among the oldest, inspiring perennial
food forests in the UK.
Wild camping on the land. 3 days included in cost
Access to knowledgeable, passionate, people
Wild swimming in tidal creek a short walk away

Family and friends are welcome to camp with you. And, after the course you are welcome to stay
Wild camp for £10 per person per night, Volunteer and stay free. Or a bit of both.
This is a Vegan site

Certified teacher
Addy Fern
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Course type
Introduction to Permaculture
Engagement style
Face to face

Postal address of venue

Plants for Future
The Field, Penpol,
PL22 0NG
United Kingdom

Course contact email

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