Dates and times
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2 full days - arrive afternoon of 15th to start after dinner; finish by 17.30 on 17th
Accommodation in dormatories
£200; £175 early bird (before 20 November 2018)
Course summary

Observation and mapping are two key elements of creating a good design , this course is a hands-on approach to getting comfortable and confident trying out different tools for land-based design

Set in the beautiful Herefordshire countryside at Applewood Permaculture Centre this hands-on training has been developed to assist participants in the early stages of any design process - the observation and survey of a site and its steward. While a few days is limited time to fully observe a site, much can still be learned by being present on a piece of land, examining and trying out different observation and mapping tools, and sharing experiences. This interactive training takes participants through hands-on, land-based design activities on a real site, bringing permaculture theory to life.

Certified teacher
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Course type
Advanced Design Skills
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email
Contact telephone number
01595 831195

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