Dates and times
More info
Each session starts at 12:45 and runs till 17:45, on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for four weeks. there is an optional "social" on Wednesday evenings, with no agenda, providing a chance to chat about anything. we will also have a Welcome session on Monday 7 June for a couple of hours
A sliding scale of £600-£250, and bursaries available
Course summary

We are running our successful fully taught online PDC again in June 2021. Led by Graham Bell, assisted by Mark Shipperlee and other guest facilitators, we are offering 24 places on this interactive course, covering the PDC curriculum, and finishing with a design project.
Graham is one of longest standing permaculture teachers in the UK, and Mark brings areas of interest around trees and woodlands, fruit growing, biochar, etc. A mix of taught sessions, discussions, group work and some work in your own time make up this 72 hour course - run on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons.

Graham and Mark have taught together online and face to face in various places in Scotland and also in Romania.

Please email Mark for a PDF of all the course info, details and the sliding scale of prices and bursary offers - we want to make this course accessible to as many people as possible.

To quote a couple of recent attendees "this PDC gave me tools, hope and a great community" - and "I now have direction and a deeper focus".

We would love you to come and join us as we explore permaculture together - as a way of designing our lives, our homes, our gardens, our communities, and our world.

Certified teacher
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style

Course contact email
Contact name
Mark Shipperlee

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