Dates and times
€750 camping; multiple accomodation options available
Course summary

Come and join us on a beautiful site with a great group of teachers in the valley of Assoreiro. A start-up of 2 years, this is a gritty opportunity to see a permaculture teacher putting words into practice. In the last 2 years we have dived head first into a huge project, built multiple structures, organised water and energy systems, begun working with animals and started garden projects. The site boasts a stunning forest succeeding to various oak species, access to the arterial canal, a lake and fantastic beauty in rural Portugal.

Certified teacher
Adriana Garcia Aparicio
Liselotte Willemijn
Courses image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

Postal address of venue

Assoreiro, Casa Nova da Cruz
Sao Teotonio
7630-568 Sao Teotonio

Course contact email
Contact name
George Christofis

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