Dates and times
Course summary

The aim of this course is to give you the tools, enthusiasm and support to create true abundance in all areas of life. From food, energy, shelter, through to community, work and your spiritual welfare. You will learn how by observing and working with nature and through thoughtful intentional design you can make your life more fulfilling, without exploiting or creating pollution.

This life-changing, intensive, residential course will be held on a gorgeous organic farm an hour by boat and bus from gateway Of India, Mumbai

The eclectic syllabus will include but not be limited to:
. Learning to grow your own food on your land, balcony or rooftop in abundance
. Designing or retrofitting sustainable, living, breathing architecture
. Teaching how to make the best use of resources on your space
. Teaching a systematic and creative way to minimize work and pollution and increase yields and resilience
. Nurturing lasting communities, systems and networks
. Looking at sustainable and green economic strategies and resilient green livelihoods
. Cleanly and safely dealing with human waste management
. Exploring how to develop sustainable urban communities
. Natural Bee Keeping
. Creating low maintenance, high yielding Forest Gardens
. Taking care of your needs and your communities sustainably

The course will be location independent, appropriate for temperate, tropical and subtropical climates – rural or

Co-taught by British & Indian Teachers and Certified by the Permaculture Association UK

Rs 18,000 Resident Indians / Rs 24,000 Foreign Nationals
(Inclusive of accommodation and lovingly prepared, high vibrational, organic, cooked & raw vegan meals)
For more details check out:

Rakesh: [email protected]
Janice: [email protected] (91671 22891)
Mimansa: [email protected] (91672 84193)
Neville: [email protected] (99674 42970)

Rakesh Rootsman Rak
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Course type
Permaculture Design Course
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