Dates and times
More info
Each online session will be from 09.30am-1.00pm UK time.

In between these online face-to-face sessions will be self-directed learning with observation and design activities, group tutorials and peer group exercises.

Telephone number:
Emma: +0044 (0)7786 262 864

[email protected]

£200-£250-£300-£350 sliding scale

Contact name:
£200-£250-£300-£350 sliding scale
Course summary

This fully accredited online PDC will provide:
* 39 hours online contact over 11 x 3.5-hour zoom sessions
* 40+ hours self-directed learning with observation and design activities, group tutorials and peer group exercises
* a chance to apply permaculture design principles and process on a real home design of your choosing

"Really helped me to focus on how I want to move forward and what more I can do to continue learning"
"The group has been a lifeline in lockdown"
- Applewood online PDC 2020 participants

The online, live sessions of the course will run on the following dates:
Session 1: Sat 19th Feb 2022
Session 2: Sun 20th Feb
Session 3: Sat 5th March
Session 4: Sat 19th March
Session 5: Sat 2nd April
Session 6: Sat 23rd April
Session 7: Sat 30th April
Session 8: Sat 14th May
Session 9: Sat 28th May
Session 10: Sat 11th June
Session 11: Sun 12th June

In between these online face-to-face sessions will be self-directed learning with observation and design activities, group tutorials and peer group exercises.


Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style

Course contact email
Contact name
Contact telephone number
+0044 (0)7786 262 864

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