Dates and times
More info
14 to 15 July - PDC Permaculture Design Course
26 to 27 July - PLV Permaculture Local Visits
28 July to 1 August - PFP Permaculture Festival Practical
2 to 6 August - PFF Permaculture Festival Festança - Free for the permaculture students
Course summary

Welcome to the permaculture life changing experience
The New School Permaculture PDC is centred on the needs of the student. so you get what you want and what you need with a course adapted to your projects, needs and dreams.
This course is presented by creative non formal education methods, that are based on creating a bridge between the analytical and creative abilities of the students so that they get fully stimulated and get the most out of the experience...for many people is the most empowering and inspiring transformative process of their lives...and they carry this with them everywere they go....and thats our goal.

The course follows the main permaculture topics and leads to the internationally recognised Permaculture Design Certificate.

Taught by Helder Valente of the New School Permaculture. Helder studied and worked with Bill Mollison, Geoff Lawton, Graham Bell, Sepp Holzer, Doug Bullock, Rosemary Morrow, Darren dougherty, Ernst Gotsh and others, and has been teaching all over the world. Helder started in 2009 teaching permaculture to students at the agriculture university and since then learning and teaching on many different climates. While living in the city he dedicated 3 years on developing a urban permaculture project in the center of Lisbon.
For more than 20 years Helder traveled 50 countries learning about diferent comunities and climates and co created several Permaculture Institutes, schools and programs. During this time he spent 1 year traveling the high Amazon region and has worked and studied with indigenous people like the Shipibo, Quechua, Queru, Dakota, Yawanawa and Kamanawa..

You can be part of the PDC and also chose to be part of the local visits , practical festival design and stay until de end and celebrate at Portugal Permaculture Festival in the Douro Valley region.
See you there.

Helder Valente
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

Postal address of venue

Ancede Baião
4640-001 Ancede

Course contact email
Contact name
Festança festival

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