Dates and times
More info
17 June - arrivals, accommodation setup & orientation
18 June - first full day teaching
-1 full day off mid-course (exact date to be announced)
30 June - course closes 4pm

Please visit website for lots more details about the course
Sliding scale; places available from €1,200 - €600
Course summary

Full permaculture design certificate course (PDC), with expert tutor team to equip people with the skills for designing their own projects, large or small.

The diverse teaching team offers a high standard of engaging teaching methods; practical, theoretical & experience based learning in a collaborative, productive & fun learning environment.

The PDC hosted by ‘Carraig Dúlra’ is a 12-day immersion filled with theoretical and practical hands-on learnings around permaculture design. The course is fully accredited by the Permaculture Association Britain, which means that on successful completion of the course, participants will be awarded an internationally recognised Permaculture Design Certificate.

Suzie Cahn, Hannah Mole, plus a diversity of expert guest tutors.
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email
Contact name
Mike & Suzie Cahn

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