Dates and times
More info
Arrivals on monday 2nd Sept and then departures after breakfast on monday 9th Sept.
Waged €650, Low waged €550 concessions €450
Course summary

This exciting new course has been developed by Looby Macnamara, following on from her pioneering book 'People and Permaculture'. We will be looking deeply at the questions - how can we grow ourselves, our friendships, our communities, our human family?

During this week we will focus on ourselves as people and how we can dedicate our energy to finding solutions for ourselves and the world. We will be looking at how we can improve all aspects of our lives - from our health and well-being to our friendships using permaculture principles and design. Participants are invited to bring a design project with them to work on with support, using Looby's new design framework - the design web. There will be support throughout the design process in different forms - one to one coaching, peer support and tutor led activities. This support will lead us all to a deeper level of understanding as to how to use permaculture design in our own lives as well as challenging and stretching ourselves.

This will be a richly nourishing, empowering and truly life transforming course.

Prerequisites for this course are an introduction to permaculture, or full permaculture design course, and reading of 'People & Permaculture' by Looby Macnamara. We will also send out some pre course material inviting you to be thinking about what you would like to be designing in this week.

Looby Macnamara, Bert D'Hondt and Lien de Coster
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Course type
Advanced Design Skills
Course contact email
Contact name
Suzan Lenaerts

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