Dates and times
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One weekend day per month on average:
Sat & Sun January 30 & 31, Sat February 27, Sun March 20, Sat April 2, Sat May 21, Sat June 11, Sat July 2, Sat September 3, Sat October 1, Sun October 30, Sat
November 12.
Course summary

This course offers you the opportunity to focus on working collaboratively, see community projects in action and get a lot of practice in design work.

We will cover:
* permaculture thinking: patterns, systems, energy
* permaculture ethics and principles
* permaculture design tools
* developing observation skills, reading the landscape
* energy: big picture, home energy and community energy generation
* tools for working in groups and developing organisations effectively
* visits to local permaculture projects and community farms
* practical gardening activities
* developing permaculture in your life
* a design activity of your choosing.

The course is offered over the course of a year on average one weekend day a month. Nearby train stations are: East Grinstead, Haywards Heath, Three Bridges and Tunbridge Wells. Low-cost accommodation also available on request.

This course is certified by the Permaculture Association of Great Britain. After this course, you have the opportunity to continue your design work by doing the Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design.

Chloe Anthony with guest tutors and speakers.
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Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

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