Dates and times
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From 9.30 to 5 pm on 7 weekends between April 7th and July 8th
£360 - 720
Course summary

7 weekend between April 7th and July 8th 2018

Various venues around South London
More info here:…

The Permaculture Design Course is a 72-hour often life-changing experience, accredited by the UK Permaculture Association.

Over the period of 7 weekends we will explore practical and creative solutions for building resilient communities and designing abundant eco-systems.

We will discover how we can work with, rather than against nature to fulfil our human needs whilst caring for the earth and the people.

The course has a strong practical emphasis on ecological and social design thinking and how this can be applied in different parts of our life and society.

“I feel like I know a secret and want to share it with the world”

Dates, Subjects, Venues

April 7/8: Design & Principles -- Loughborough Farm

April 21/22: Maps, Soil & Food -- Sutton Community Farm tbc, Loughborough Farm

May 5/6: Self & Community -- Residential weekend out of London, venue tbc

May 19/20: Water & Trees -- Loughborough Farm

June 9/10: Shelter & Energy -- Treadwell, Meadow Orchard Project (Crouch End)

Juny 23/24: Design Clinic & Transition Livelihoods -- Remakery, Loughborough Farm

July 7/8: Presentations & Celebrations -- Loughborough Farm

Certified teacher
Tish Vail, Naomi Allen, Duncan Law, Linda Royles,...
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
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Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email

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