Dates and times
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The course will run this year over 20 sessions on Wednesday evenings, with a 2 week break in the middle.

5pm to 8.15pm UK time, on Wednesdays.

sliding scale £200 - £900
Course summary

A 72 hour course fully certified and accredited by the Permaculture Association UK and recognised worldwide. Join us to find out all about permaculture, covering the full Permaculture Design Course curriculum all related to how you would share this with children. Topics will include introducing permaculture, soil, water, plants, trees, growing food, social permaculture, the built environment, resource use, pattern language and much more! Participants will also be fully supported to run through a whole detailed design process to create either a children’s garden or a children’s permaculture education program by the end of the course.

Next course begins October 18th 2023!

A pre-requisite of this corse is the introduction to engaging children in permaculture 12 hour course, details of the next one of these is on our website. Please see for more information.

Certified teacher
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style

Course contact email
Contact name
Nim Robins

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