Dates and times
More info
Three day starter: May 24/25/26 . Weekends June 7/8, June 21/22,
July 5/6 .There will be additional visits to other sites.
Times: usually 09.30 – 17.00. Occasional additional evening sessions 19.00 – 2100.
Non residential.
Cost: Full £360, some concessions and exchange possible.
Course summary

Lakeland Permaculture are running a Permaculture Design Course in association with the National Trust.
Based at the National Trust's iconic straw-bale building called The Footprint. Approx' ten minutes walk from Windermere Railway Station.
Starting Bank-Holiday Weekend Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th and Monday 25th May 2014.
Sessions: while there will be some 'lecture' type teaching, most of the sessions will involve active participation in a variety of learning activities, from games to volunteer work.
Tea / coffee and biscuits provided, bring packed lunches, or food to share.
Booking essential.
For bookings, any further questions, or for advice about overnight accommodation, please get in touch.

Justin and Evelyn Marsh, plus others
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email
Contact name
Justin and Evelyn
Contact telephone number
015394 31158

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