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£35 (Reduced rate of £25 for Waltham Forest Residents)
Course summary

Tools & Principles to Enrich Our Communities

Advance Booking ONLY.

This 1-day workshop is about ecological and social healing. It will give a taste of both permaculture and working with social diversity.

Together we will explore and open up ways to work together effectively, to recognise our differences and our common ground, and to discover how permaculture and contemporary group approaches can support our vision to co-create more conscious, real and productive relationships within our groups and communities.

The taster day would suit anyone interested in sustainability or ecology and involved with people – such as members of a Transtion Town; Climate action group; Community gardening; Co-operative; or if you’re just curious about permaculture and working in groups.

Specific potential areas include:

- Intro to permaculture tools & principles
- Patterns in nature
- Social permaculture: Nature in us
- Diversity: Feeling in our own shoes, and stepping into the shoes of the other
- Conflict: an opportunity for growth
- Role playing exercise with feedback

Muzammal Hussain & Shumaisa Khan
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Course type
Engagement style
Face to face

Contact name
Routes of Wholeness

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