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Arrivals will be the afternoon of Monday, June 11th, and we start with a site tour at 5pm, dinner at 6pm, and our first session at 7pm. The course will then run for four full days: We will end Friday evening, either before dinner, or with an evening session. People may depart Friday evening, or stay over Friday night and depart Saturday. Help is requested from participants to turn around the venue accommodation on the saturday daytime, as the PDC starts on Saturday evening.
Course summary

This course came about as a result of a visit to Britain last spring by Canadian Permaculture Teacher Jillian Hovey. She comes from a different teaching "lineage" than that in Britain, and that difference allows us to explore edge, and learn and grow. Teaching and re-designing on the hoof with Jillian for the first five days of a PDC in Devon was a stimulating process of looking at the patterns of curriculum, and exploring differences.

In arranging for Jillian to come back and teach again this year, we wanted to take a few days to explore and re-design the curriculum before the June PDC that we were to teach together. As we designed that meeting, we realized that it would be an excellent opportunity to include some of our colleagues, as we rarely get the chance to spend quality time looking at the curriculum. Upon further reflection, we realized that we were developing a powerful space for co-creation, and it was a shame to not make it available to people who could really benefit from the opportunity, such as apprentice teachers. As a result, we have created this additional course to take place directly before the June 16th - 30th PDC at High Heathercombe.

We will, as a group and individuals:
- Critically examine the PDC Curriculum
- Discern patterns in the PDC Curriculum regionally, nationally, and internationally
- Identify and discuss major issues in the International PDC community in regards to curriculum
- Develop new curricula: from entire PDCs through to individual exercises, to values & methods
- Find self (personally and professionally)
- Have loads of fun!

There will be a few places made available to apprentices to stay on and shadow on the PDC that follows this Re-Design Course. This will be a rich experience of deep shadowing that will allow a continuation from the theory to reality in two weeks of cutting edge Permaculture teaching from highly experienced tutors; this will include some personal mentoring from the course leaders.

Aranya, Jillian Hovey and Peter Cow
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
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