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Course summary

A 5-month intensive Permaculture, Arabic and Middle Eastern program at the Bedouin village of Qasr A-Sir.

In a world that overuses resources to near exhaustion, there is a need for a new kind of thinking and planning for our generation and those that follow. Bedouin communities in the Negev have been using innovative techniques for sustainable development for centuries. One such skill is permaculture, advancing life through small-scale natural ecosystems. We invite you to immerse yourself in a journey that will both challenge you personally and leave you with immeasurable practical skills. The desert can appear to be empty, yet there is much to discover from the people who call it home. Learning the simplicity that is found within natural patterns and how to design selfsufficient and sustainable systems is at the heart of this course. It is hosted by the Bedouin themselves. Designing and implementing new collective knowledge with the members of the Qasr A Sir community will foster growth for each participant, as we seek to engage in practical and sustainable solutions.

This program includes:

* Ancient Bedouin way of life, culture and indigenous knowledge
* Permaculture
* Eco building techniques
* Sustainable solutions, such as composting toilets, grey water systems, and water harvesting
* Permaculture at the community level
* Intensive Arabic language studies
* Local History and understanding current politics in the Negev.

Alice Gray, Thomas Fernley-Pearson, Michal Vital, Elad Orian, Dor Havkim, Philip Jones, Lorena Viladomat, Chaym Weisman
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Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Course contact email
Contact name
Ra'ed Al Mickawi

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