Dates and times
More info
9 September 2018.
10:30 - 16:00 for all workshops.
£35 per workshop, £95 if all 3 workshops attended
Course summary

A series of workshops aimed at helping you to live a happier, healthier life whilst learning more about nature, gardening, and, of course, permaculture. Learn skills that can help towards local abundance. Designed to be stand alone workshops or attended as a series.

Propagate – Saturday 10th March

It’s about more than plant propagation. The underlying theme of this first workshop will be proliferation. A rapid increase.

With that in mind, here’s what will be covered in this workshop:

  • Planning your growing space – what to grow where, when
  • Plant propagation:
  • Saving and sowing your own seeds, including deciding which varieties to grow
  • Taking cuttings of herbs and fruit bushes to create many more plants for free

Prosper – Sunday, 10th June

Bring life to your soil to grow healthy food for you, your family and friends.

The basis of this workshop is beyond organic gardening.

In this workshop we will cover and practice:

  • setting up ‘no dig’ garden beds – transform lawn to vegetables
  • composting, including: making plant compost teas, worm bins, traditional compost bins.
  • mulching and green manure

Preserve - Sunday, 9th September

Following from the learning in the previous two workshops, we’ll discover how a well-designed garden doesn’t burden with crops but delights with produce.

How do we use all of this wonderful fruit and veg? Produce that we might learn about and make in this workshop includes:

  • Sweet fruit preserves e.g. jam
  • Other things to do with fruit e.g. dry it
  • Savoury preserves e.g. chutney
  • Drink it! E.g. juicing and tinctures
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Course type
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email
Contact name
Helen Saunders

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