Dates and times
£690 residential / £550 non-residential
Course summary

This is a rare visit to Britain by one of the World's most in-demand permaculture & keyline design consultants. It's an opportunity to learn from a master how to take our skills into the broadscale (farming) community & to begin to make a significant difference to the rural landscape.

This course is most suitable for:

* Permaculture teachers & trainee teachers.
* Permaculture Diploma apprentices.
* LAND network stewards.
* Anyone establishing a permaculture-based business.
* Permaculture Design Course graduates keen to work on broadscale projects.

Darren Doherty - Whole Farm Planner (University of Melbourne), Approved Keyline Designer, & Accredited Permaculture Training Trainer
Courses default image
Course type
Advanced Design Skills

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