Dates and times
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Starting at 15.00 on the 14th, ending midday on the 26th.
Tuition: CHF1800, Accommodation CHF55-120 per day
Course summary

A Certified Permaculture Design Course infused with Indigenous Cultural Wisdom

In this program you will learn how to plan, create and nurture regenerative human settlements. You will gain new perspectives and understandings as well as a variety of tools for how we as human beings can become caretakers for the whole ecosystem; how we can create abundant and diverse community systems, gardens and landscapes by connecting to and understanding ourselves, our communities and our land in deeper ways.
By learning to observe the patterns of life and its energy flows and cycles, by learning to work with them instead of against them, you will emerge with a complex skillset to bring about regenerative creative solutions in your life.
This unique course brings Permaculture Design together with the indigenous cultural wisdom gathered by the international Nature Connection and Regenerative Culture movement and its networks, creating a cultural container that supports you on a journey into yourself, your community and the world around you. You will be immersed in this culture throughout the program as well as learn how to facilitate it in your own personal and professional context at home.
This course will be a powerful, transformative community experience, enabled by a deep immersion into nature, music, and the presence of cultural visionaries and elders, all hosted in an evolving ecovillage in the magnificent mountains of the Swiss Alps.

This course covers the Permaculture Association (Britain) Permaculture Design Course core curriculum, and course graduates receive a PDC certificate from the Permaculture Association (Britain)

Seminarprice: CHF 1800.-
- Price reduction for people with
low income on request

Food & accomodation:
- Single room CHF 120.- per night
- Double room CHF 105.-per night
- Multiple bed room CHF 95.- p.n.
- Tent CHF 70.- p.n., CHF 55.-p.n. (reduced price)

Peter Cow, Sarah Daum, Elke Loepthien and others
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

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