Dates and times
More info
The Facilitator training runs from the evening of the 19th to evening of the 21st, the Gathering runs from the evening of the 21st to the morning of the 25th.
Training: 270 CHF, Gathering: 40-120 CHF per night
Course summary

Bringing together Permaculture, Deep nature connection and Indigenous cultural wisdom

In this gathering we aim to bring together Art of Mentoring/8 Shields and Permaculture as pathways to a new earth-based regenerative culture. We invite all you wonderful people involved in Permaculture, Deep nature connection, Rites of passage, Culture repair and other related areas towards cultural regeneration to share your experiences, skills and visions at this event. We want to connect to each other, listen to the land, and share our stories and dreams, growing together as an international village including elders, children and young people.

Unique Facilitator/Mentor training -

This event includes a very special 2 day facilitator/mentoring training with Lauren Dalbeth Hage and Dave Hage, who have been running the 'Regenerative Design Nature Awareness' and 'Weaving Earth' programs in California - immersive 9 month courses combining Permaculture ideas with indigenous cultural wisdom, gathering and practising tools and skills for regenerative culture. They will share their experiences and learnings, as well as introducing coyote teaching and other community building and mentoring methods.
After this weekend training there will be 3 days to learn from each other, share ideas and visions, and explore concrete and visionary ways to further link these networks and spread these wisdoms and techniques in Europe.

This event is being convened by Peter Cow and Sarah Daum.

We will meet each other in the circle, our feet on mother earth with our heads in the sky, ready for a new culture in peace with ourselves, the earth and each other. From here new stories can arise. We will strengthen ourselves, our connections and our networks and share our regenerative visions.

Catalysing, Connecting, Sharing, Co-creating and Celebrating Regenerative Culture

Lauren Dalbeth Hage, Dave Hage
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Course type
Engagement style
Face to face

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