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Dates and times
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1st weekend: Introduction to Permaculture, Cae Mabon, Friday October 18th - Sunday October 20th

2nd weekend: Permaculture 2, Tyddyn Teg, Friday November 15th - Sunday November 17th

3rd weekend: Permaculture 3, Henbant Bach, Friday December 13th - Sunday December 15th
£750 for all 3 weekends, all food and accoodation included
Course summary

One way of understanding Permaculture Design is to call it 'the art of becoming indigenous'; where the roots of many of the problems facing humankind stem from disconnection from the land and from each other; whereas the true capital of resilience lies in strong communities rooted in their relationships with the land that sustains them.

Through exploring and understanding our own stories, we can empower ourselves to create new narratives around how we treat land and people; moving away from the military-industrial paradigm of destruction and exploitation towards a more equitable and abundant future: using the skills of permaculture design to actualise our vision.

Taking place over 3 long weekends at 3 spectacular venues in Snowdonia, North Wales, this course will reference indigenous cultures around the world and their stories; drawing on the rich culture and history of the Welsh land and people to illustrate and frame the concepts.

Cae Mabon has been called the 'Welsh Shangri La' and is a centre for the exploration of spirituality and the being human of the human being, as well as a show-casing a multitude of traditional building techniques. The first part of the course will be held here. It is possible to take this part as a stand-alone Introductory Course or to continue to Parts 2 and 3 for a full PDC.

Tyddyn Teg is a Community Supported Agriculture project supplying over 100 local families with fresh vegetables. The second part of the course, focussing on the practical skills of land management, food production and community building, will take place here.

Henbant is a mixed farm producing livestock, fruit and vegetables on a small scale as well as show-casing innovative building techniques and renewable energy installations. The third part of the course, focussing on integrating livestock and humans into natural systems will take place here.

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No apprentice teacher places available on this course
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Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

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