Dates and times
See website, Earlybird until May 22nd
Course summary

Earlybird rates available up until May 22nd 2015

Top notch training at an amazing project led by of of Europe's leading designer-educators & Keyline practitioners with conference calls with some of the leading global professionals. DESIGN is best learnt from professional practitioners in an active & inspiring site. Ridgedale is dedicated to offering the highest standard of trainings & immersions into designing, installing & maintaining regenerative systems at Scandinavia's dedicated Regenerative Ag. demonstration & edu hub. If you are curious about the solutions that will allow us to restore the planets ecosystems whilst maintaining a stimulating and meaningful life living in resilient and mutually beneficial supportive ways then this is for you. Are you looking to develop a career in professional Permaculture design? Wanting to establish your own project or farm? Our Permaculture Design Courses are highly regarded internationally and accredited via P.R.I. (Aus) & P.C. Assoc (UK). Compare the program!
Full info/ course prospectus/ booking;…

Richard Perkins, Director & Lead designer @ Ridgedale Permaculture & guest lectures via conference call
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

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