Dates and times
More info
Sundays for 8 weeks plus two Saturdays (March 25th and April 29th). No course over Easter weekend. All days are 10am-4pm
Sliding scale £150-£375
Course summary

It’s a lively, vibrant and interactive course which attracts a really diverse and interesting group of people. It’s great for getting to know the ‘green scene’ in and around Stroud and meeting other like-minded people, who care about the planet. A ‘must–do’ course for everyone who hopes to live more lightly on the earth.

The weekly sessions include talks, workshops, slideshows and activities on Permaculture Design principles and practice. Starting with a short introduction to Permaculture we will look at design methods towards creating healthy, sustainable and productive systems.

A range of one-day weekend activites will make up part of the course. These give you the opportunity to see Permaculture in action and gain practical experience, in a range of settings. Options are still being planned but will include:

Tours of key Stroud organisations and projects
Visit to Charles Dowding's garden in Somerset
Visit to Bristol Permaculture projects
Foxfield Farm Permaculture Association LAND project
Practical sessions in living soils and Permaculture gardening, woodland management and woodland skills

Learning outcomes
- Understanding of the principles, ethics and practice of Permaculture Design.
- Confidence to apply practical design solutions to your own house and garden or community projects.
- Understanding of practical methods to minimise your ecological impact and build confidence and ideas for starting your own projects.
- Make links within your community and participate in positive changes to your immediate environment.
- Signposting to further study, volunteer opportunities, local and regional networks and resources.

Seb Buckton, Helen Pitel, Adrian Leaman, Fred Miller.
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Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

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