Dates and times
Full £320, Concession £280
Course summary

A fully certified PDC taking place on Wednesday evenings (6.45-9.15pm) in Totnes town centre from 10th Jan to 28th March. The course also includes 3 weekends of practical activities including the following:

Martin Crawford's Forest Garden
Waterleat micro hydro system
Transition Town Totnes
The REconomy Project
Land Surveying
Map making
Client Interview
Design work

Led by Caroline Aitken of Patrick Whitefield Associates and Seema Patel, this accessible PDC is taught with experience and local knowledge to help participants tap into the local permaculture community.

Certified teacher
Caroline Aitken, Seema Patel, Hal Gilmore, Jay Tompt
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email

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