Dates and times
More info
09.30 - 17.30, 5 weekends, WE 1 26+27 March, WE 2 9+10 April,
WE 3 16+17 April, WE 4 14+15 May, WE 5 28+29 May
See above
Course summary

ATTENTION: SPECIAL PRICE £350 if paid before 11th March

Concerned about climate change, peak oil and our children's future? Want to go green? Interested in creating Sustainable Local Communities? Thinking about making significant changes in your life? Fed up with the problems and want to start looking for solutions? Then this full Urban Permaculture Design Course accredited by the Permaculture Association Britain (PAB) is for you.

Held over 5 weekends, in central London (border zone 1 and 2), it provides a broad introduction to the ethics, principles and applications of permaculture primarily from an urban perspective, and is for anyone who believes that we need to find ways to care for ourselves, for each other and for the Earth.

The course will give you a detailed understanding of permaculture tools, which will allow you to realise your own sustainable designs, be it buildings, food growing, communities, economic systems, retrofitting urban house, etc. Upon completion of the course you will receive a permaculture design certification qualification accredited by PAB and become part of a local permaculture support network.

The workshop will be taught by Graham Burnett from Spiralseed and Rakesh Bhambri,

For more information on what to expect on the course

How to register…

Graham Burnett, Rakesh Bhambri and others
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Course contact email
Contact name
Contact telephone number
07575 009 322

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