Dates and times
Course summary

We have invited Jesper Launder to take you on a journey of Wild Food. Jesper is a Medical Herbalist and an absolute authority when it comes to herbal medicine, wild mushrooms and wild food.

Your journey begins in and around the Biospheric Project and takes you to surrounding areas where you will engage with nature’s free larder. During the practical foraging experience you will be shown how to identify wild food, from berries and nuts to edible roots and even wild mushrooms. The afternoon session gives you the opportunity to find out how to prepare the wild food finds from earlier in the day and will sample how tasty it can be.

This day will amaze you in how much wild food there is, even in urban areas which you and me pass every day and test the taste for yourself.

For more information check the link below.

Jesper Launder - Certified Western Herbalist
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Course type
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email
Contact name
Contact telephone number
0161 839 6872

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