Permaculture educators at IPCUK

Here you'll find information about educational theory, pedagogy, teaching approaches and methods to improve your teaching practice.

Learning theories - see constructivist, social and situational theories in particular.

Ivan Illich: Deschooling Society

Outdoor Learning

Place-based Education

Accelerated Learning

Resources from the European Permaculture Teachers' Partnership

The European Permaculture Teachers' Partnership was an EU-funded project that ran between 2012 and 2014. It brought together over 150 permaculture teachers from 20 European countries to share ideas and practice. A number of articles were produced as part of the project, and are presented here.

Pedagogy: How do we learn? - by Davie Philip

Teaching Theory: Accelerated Learning Summary - by Antonio Scotti

Learning Thoeory Introduction - by Antonio Scotti

Participation, Motivation and Inclusion Methods by Noelia Jimenez

Emergent Permaculture Pedagogy? by Leo Bakx

Pedagogy: What is it? by Leo Bakx


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