
Dewch i wersylla gyda ni o dan awyr serennog glir gyda bwyd lleol gwych, cerddoriaeth wych a chwmni gwych! Wedi’i lleoli ar fferm baramaethu Three Pools yn y Fenni, fferm adfywiol sy’n dangos beth all fod yn bosibl wrth baramaethu ar raddfa fferm.

Rydym wedi gwneud ein gorau i gadw'r digwyddiad hwn mor hygyrch a chyraeddadwy â phosibl, a chynnig prisiau graddfa symudol hunanasesedig. Teimlwn ei fod yn werth anhygoel, gyda gwersylla dros y penwythnos wedi'i gynnwys, ynghyd â'r holl brydau bwyd - o frecwast dydd Sadwrn i ginio dydd Sul, wedi'u coginio ar y safle gan dîm Three Pools. Dewch a rhannwch rywbeth ar gyfer y cinio nos Wener, os gwelwch yn dda, ac fe ymgasglwn o amgylch y tân gyda'n gilydd. Oherwydd y galw mawr eleni, mae pob tocyn ar gyfer y penwythnos wedi mynd - felly ni fydd unrhyw docynnau dydd ar gael.

Am unrhyw gwestiynau eraill, cysylltwch â [email protected]

Edrychwn ymlaen at eich gweld chi yno!

Come and camp with us under clear starry skies with great local food, great music and great company. Based at Three Pools permaculture farm in Abergavenny, a regenerative farm that shows what can be possible when scaling up permaculture to farm scale.

We’ve tried our best to keep this event as accessible as possible, and offer self-assessed sliding scale prices. We feel that it’s incredible value, with weekend camping included, along with all meals from Saturday breakfast to Sunday lunch, cooked onsite by the Three Pools team. Please bring and share something for Friday evening dinner and we will gather around the fire together. This will be a family friendly event with forest school activities and some sessions designed with young people in mind.

Due to high demand this year only full weekend tickets will be available.

For any questions about the event, please contact us at [email protected]

children crafting

Some of the speakers already confirmed include Maddy Harland from Permaculture magazine, author and Cultural Emergence teacher Looby Macnamara, no-dig gardening and homesteading expert and author Stephanie Hafferty, Chris Evans from Applewood permaculture and the Himalyan permaculture centre, Matt Dunwell from Ragmans Lane farm, Abel Pearson from Glasbren, Rachel Phillips from the Apricot centre, Delvin and Grace Solkinson, Nim Robins from Cynefin farm, forest garden author and expert Tomas Remiarz, Paul jennings from Social Farms and Gardens and Paul Lynch from Ansa permaculture in Ireland. 

If you would like to offer a workshop or talk, please get in touch with us at [email protected]. We also have spaces for craft activities and stalls - please contact us to ask about these. 


Mae angen 12 o wirfoddolwyr ymroddedig i wneud tasgau dyddiol, hanfodol a hollbwysig yn ystod yr ŵyl. Bydd y rhain yn cael eu gwneud y tu allan i amserau’r sesiynau. Rydym yn rhoi gostyngiad o 50% ar gost eich tocyn Haen hunanddewisedig yn gyfnewid am eich gwaith. Bydd angen i chi gysylltu â'r hwylusydd isod i gadarnhau eich bod yn wirfoddolwr ac i gael y cod arbennig i brynu eich tocyn am bris gostyngol.

Hwylusydd: [email protected]




12 committed volunteers are needed to do daily, essential and crucial chores during the festival. These will be done outside of session times. We are giving a 50% discount on the cost of your self-chosen Tier ticket in exchange for your labour. Please contact volunteer coordinator Hock at [email protected]  to confirm as a volunteer and to get the special code to purchase your discounted ticket.



permaculture letters
mark tree walk