Permaculture Association Blog

Read inspiring stories, celebrate news and learn about the amazing work of our Permaculture Association members and our flourishing community.


Last updated 08/09/23

The story of our online learning platform

Article by Jemma Findley, Education Lead

Our Challenge:
"Championing and broadening the reach of quality permaculture education."




Last updated 18/07/23

Permaculture Association is interviewed by

Spirit Rosenberg from Great .com interviewed Permaculture Association as part of their 'Great .com Talks With...' podcast. This series is an antidote to negative news stories, that aims to shed light on organizations and experts whose work is having a positive impact on the world.


Last updated 02/08/23

Autumnal tips for the permaculture garden

It's autumn in the garden and as Nature starts to slow down there's still plenty to be done in a permaculture garden!

Stephen Jones shows us round his urban backyard in Bolton to see what's still growing and talk about his preparations for next year.

In this six minute video he shares tips for seed saving, some unusual tubers to consider growing, and how to make best use of spent compost, among other insights.

Don't forget to look out for a guest appearance from his cat and listen for the soothing sound of wind chimes in the background...


Last updated 29/08/23

Sorry, you can't see that page

Our Diploma Portal has been configured for different audiences -

The general public can see information about what the Diploma is, but no private stuff. The "My Apprenticeship" section is for PA members who are registered apprentices. The "Tutor" section is for PA members who are Tutors.

So, if a link does not work for you, please check -

Are you logged in?

Is your membership of the Permaculture Association up to date?

Are you registered, with the Diploma Coordinator, as an Apprentice or a Tutor?


Last updated 11/04/23

Diploma Site Build

Editing this node on 11.4.23


Civi Roles Sync


People gathering at a social event

Last updated 30/03/21

Join the Permaculture Association Members' online socials!

by Celia Ashman

Meet other permaculture enthusiasts at the monthly online social

Permaculture Association member calls are every second Wednesday of the month at 7pm. If you’re not a member yet, join today to connect with others in the permaculture community! Here's a flavour of the discussions members have had:



Last updated 30/03/21

Making the most of that September feeling

by Carla Moss

September has come around… again. 

Despite the unusual year we’re having, the day length continues to change, the days are becoming slightly cooler, the seed heads are popping up all over the place… For many of us, September heralds a new academic year and regardless of whether we’ve a connection with academia or not, we are ingrained with that ‘September’ feeling. 


Last updated 02/08/23

Learning new skills - eco coffins

by Ruth Thompson


Flowers in a field

Last updated 30/03/21

Pandemic permaculture: increasing our resilience

Brighton Permaculture Trust was curious about how the pandemic has been for people, and the role permaculture design has played in the lives of volunteers and staff. This one - about resilience - is the first of a series they are pulling together to look at permaculture and the pandemic, based on a series of in depth and exploratory conversations recorded with the Brighton Permaculture Trust community.

by Alex Brooks