We're very pleased that you are thinking about joining the Permaculture Association! If you cannot see the answer to your question via this page please get in touch with Katie via the contact form. 


I am based outside of the UK - should I join my local Association?

Yes! The Permaculture Association (Britain) also supports a network of international members. Permaculture works on many levels - that is to say permaculture design can help you design at all scales and the network supports permaculture to happen at all scales. 


Do I have to know about permaculture to join?

No! We encourage you to join to learn more, wherever you are in your permaculture journey. We have an abundance of wisdom throughout our network, so joining is a fantastic way to learn. Our members list their courses on our website here. What's more, membership entitles you to a discount on our online permaculture courses, co created with our network of teachers. These are available as a self study course, or keep an eye out for our up coming teacher led courses via our email updates. Visit learn.permaculture.org.uk for more information. 


What counts as ‘Concession’ rate? 

We let you decide based on what you feel you can afford. You do not have to tell us anything about your situation or send us any documentation. Paying monthly is also a great option to make membership more affordable.


I don’t have a garden or a project. Is Permaculture Association membership for me?

Absolutely! Permaculture can be applied to any part of your life, so you can still use it to make positive changes outside of food production. What a great deal of members appreciate the most is meeting like minded people through the network, and attending our events (both online or in person). Additionally, your membership fees support a wider network of people and projects demonstrating how permaculture can be used in a whole host of scenarios. 


How do I join Permaculture Scotland / Permaculture Wales?

Anyone who joins The Permaculture Association (Britain) and is based in Scotland or Wales is automatically a member of Permaculture Scotland / Wales; you will automatically get communications and call invites relevant to your location!


I've joined - why can't I access the website yet?

If you joined by setting up a direct debit, it can take around 7 working days for the payment to come through and activate your login. Please get in touch if you need to do anything on the website in the meantime. 

If you have not set up membership via direct debit, please email Nicola