We're thrilled that you are joining our network! Here are some often asked questions to help get you started. We will also be able to answer more during our new member welcome calls, (invite by email) but please do get in touch if you have more and we will do our best to help.


What are the opportunities for me to learn more?

What opportunities are there for connecting with others?

How do I choose a Permaculture Design Course that is right for me?

Where can I volunteer?

Which permaculture professionals can I contact for a design project or job?  How do I get in touch?

How do I ask a permaculture related question to the wider network?

What projects are the Permaculture Association involved in?

Where can I find out more about the types of membership you offer?


What are the opportunities for me to learn more?


What opportunities are there for connecting with others?


  • We have an online Members map available when you log in to the members area. This provides a means for you to email others near you directly!

  • Based in Wales or Scotland? Check out the Permaculture Wales and Permaculture Scotland websites for local events, courses and projects.

  • Join the Permaculture Community Hub, our online forum space. Connect directly with other members and join events and spaces to discuss all things permaculture. 

Further afield:

  • We provide a number of online calls to help you network, related to the Educators network, Projects Network and Diploma. These usually take place on Zoom and invite is by email.

  • We host a much celebrated annual networking event called the Festival of Permaculture. This year's events is taking place at Lambourne End in Essex and you can find more details here

  • Earlier in the year we provided the Online Educators Gathering - recorded content is still available for Educator members

  • Check out our events portal for more networking opportunities.


How do I choose a permaculture course that is right for me?

There are many things to consider when deciding which course is best for you. The location, your time limitations, the teacher, your current depth of knowledge, etc. Some courses take place as a residential course over two weeks; others are spread out over a series of weekends, and more are now moving online. 

Here are some pointers to help you decide:


Where can I volunteer?

Check out the LAND and projects map to find and learn more about land based projects that may be open for volunteers. Please read our guide to volunteering at LAND centres.

As a member you can also post an opportunity to advertise your skills and time in a volunteering capacity. 


Which permaculture professionals can I contact for a design project or job? How do I get in touch?

If you need to consult or employ a permaculture designer for a specific project, we suggest that you add either a design opportunity or job listing to the website, and let us know that you would like us to promote these to our network of professionals. We will alert them by email. Please specify whether you are able to pay for consultation. You can also browse and contact professionals directly via our listings:

When getting in touch with these professionals, please let them know that you found them via their Permaculture Association profile!


How do I ask a permaculture related question to the wider network?

Join the Permaculture Community Hub and share your question directly onto the platform. 

We also have various calls that you can attend, including Diploma calls, Educator calls and LAND calls, so this is another opportunity to ask fellow members for advice. 


What projects are the Permaculture Association involved in?

Please visit the blog for updates on current projects, including: