"Positive energy to recharge ourselves, our communities and the planet..."

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Be there

In true permaculture style, we adapted to the changing environment by taking our convergence online this year.

Most of our sessions are hosted on Crowdcast - on our profile there, you can find links to online events past, present and future: https://www.crowdcast.io/permacultureassociation


On Monday, we had Rob Hopkins in conversation about the importance of imagination.

Tuesday, Kim Stoddart on how to design a climate change garden followed by a panel of four people answering your questions.

Wednesday, a social for Permaculture Association members on Zoom.

Thursday was the Paramaethu Cymru Gathering, an opportunity to exchange experiences and develop the national movement, or, if you're not in Wales, find out just what is going on in this progressive part of our Isle.


Then, the main event, THREE DAYS of sessions across the weekend 16 - 18 October. Once you have registered, you'll be able to choose from 29 different sessions  - so much positive and practical solutions to share from our network.

We used a gift economy model for tickets - from £0 - £50, to make it as accessible as possible. Please give what you can afford in donations if you do watch after the event to help support our running costs and our work. 





11.00 - 12.00 Bioregioning - Judy Martin and Ed Tyler

What is it and how can it help us build a culture of resilience and regeneration where we live? Update on initiatives, questions, discussion and an opportunity to be involved.


12.00 - 13.00 Foraging Workshop - Emma Gunn

Pick up some seasonal foraging ideas, including recipes.

Emma's website


13.00 - 14.00 Valuing the Edges - Ian Solomon Kawall

Focused on People Care and permaculture principle 11, use edges and value the marginal. This session highlights the incredible people and projects who use permaculture in innovative ways, especially non-white groups.


14.30 - 15.30 52 The Right Recipe for a Low Carbon Diet - Chris Warburton Brown and Steve Charter

Discussion session around low carbon diets, part of the 52 Climate Actions project that the Permaculture Association has led on. 


16.00 - 17.00 Permaculture in Times of Crisis - Matt Powers

What can we do when we are facing overlapping crises? Learn what you can do to live regeneratively and ethically in uncertain times.


17.30 - 19.00 Rewilding: Bringing back the Beaver - Derek Gow

Farmer turned ecologist Derek Gow tells his inspirational first-hand account of how the movement to rewild the British landscape with beavers has become the single most dramatic and subversive nature conservation act of the modern era.


19.00 - 19.30 Hand Pan Performance - Lyndon Forster

Music is always an essential part of our convergences and even though we won't be able to dance in person this time around, we'll still get a wiggle on! Just think, you can literally dance like no one's looking...



19.30 - 20.30 Plants and Botany Panel - Josh Styles, Charlie Gray and Katrina Blair

Let's talk about plants. This session brings together botanist and ecologist, Josh Styles of the North West Rare Plants Initiative; ethnobotanist Charlie Gray and Katrina Blair, author of the Wild Wisdom of Weeds.



11.00 - 12.00 Speaking up with Permaculture (Pr)activism - Morag Gamble

Fresh thinking, new kinds of leadership, positive practical action for cultural and ecological regeneration.


12.00 - 13.00 Foraged Landscape Bouquet Making Workshop - Alice McCabe

Alice McCabe, floral artist and founder of Metafleur flower studio leads us through some useful hacks in creating bouquets with very limited resources. 

Participants will be working with textures, form as well as colour, focussing on how to create forward facing displays inspired by the landscape they were hewn from.

Gather materials for this workshop in advance, here are some tips for how:

look up, cutting twigs branches from trees with interesting shapes

- focus on foliage from ready to prune bushes

- consult neighbours (prior to supermarkets) for the odd flower.

- And bring any dried 
flowers / seed heads

You will also need a sharp pair of scissors / secateurs and string


13.00 - 14.00 Diploma Accreditation - Helen Smith

A diploma in permaculture provides you the chance to deepen your learning. Here, an apprentice, Helen Smith, shows her final project. This is a chance to see how the diploma works and an unfolding permaculture design.


14.30 - 15.30 Thriving in Challenging Times - Sarah Spencer

In this interactive webinar, Sarah Spencer, founder of Think like a Tree, and co-facilitators Milly Carmichael and Sam Woods will explore how we can learn from living systems to help us to adapt and thrive in a world of change and uncertainty, whatever our circumstances.


16.00 - 17.00 Cultural Emergence - Looby Macnamara

Cultural Emergence supports us in designing the world we want to live in. It is both a framework and toolkit that enables us to design the world we want to live in. It activates healing and revolutionises our approach to creating life-sustaining and regenerative cultures.


17.30 - 19.00 Herbs for health - Anne Stobart, Helen Kearney, Jo Webster

How we can work with plants to maintain personal health and wellbeing.


18.30 - 19.30 Green Classrooms - Paul Masser & Seamas Stout

Permaculture Community Classroom w/ Paul Masser

Edinburgh's self-educating permaculture hub. Learning in community, sharing resources like books and films, and co-creating ecological designs using permaculture design tools.

Green Classrooms w/ Séamas Stout

Every child learning through experience in nature. Progress on an Edinburgh project in its time as Covid-19 pushes learning outdoors to the fore.


19.00 - 19.30 The Untidy Gardeners Performance + Open Mic 

They sing about lawn care, hedgehogs, honeybees, and the occasional mushroom – but in their tunes, as in your yard, there’s more than meets the eye. This short pre-recorded performance will be followed by an open mic, so come along with your musical instrument of choice!

The Untidy Gardeners


19.30 - 20.30 A Small Farm Future: agriculture, permaculture and the future of the world - Chris Smaje

How a small farm localism grounded in permaculture principles can help us address the present crises the world is facing, and how we can work individually and collectively to try to deliver on that promise.



11.00 - 12.00 Patterns of Home Permaculture - Jo Barker, Looby Macnamara, Graham Bell and Beck Lowe

An exploration of how Permaculture thinking applied to our homes, gardens and relationships is accessible to everyone and everyday, even in the ordinary and seemingly mundane. Hear advice from four experienced teachers: Jo has been working to adapt and apply Retrosuburbia for the UK, Looby, author of People and Permaculture and Cultural Emergence, will be sharing how to shift our home culture to create regenerative patterns, Graham is author of The Permaculture Way first published in 1994, and Beck is part of the Retrosuburbia team with David Holmgren.


12.00 - 12.30 Autumnal kitchen inspiration - Pia Castleton

Foraging chef and food educator Pia Castleton brings us autumnal kitchen tips that celebrate plants from the 'edges' around her home in north east of England. This is a pre-record but we hope Pia will be able to join us live in the chat to answer any questions.


12.30 - 13.00 Fermentation & bread making - Arno Peters

Dive into the fascinating world of micro-organisms that make our bread fluffy, our beers bubbly and our foods better preserved. This session focuses on practical knowledge for using fermentation in bread making and in food preservation.


13.00 - 14.00 Tree Planting for Pleasure and Planet - Tomas Remiarz, Stephanie Irvine, Chris Warburton-Brown

Get ready for tree planting season in the northern hemisphere - practical advice on planting trees: at home and with your community.


14.30 - 15.30 Suburban permaculture 'homestead' - Jennifer Lauruol

Jennifer Lauruol will describe her 15 year journey guiding her suburban plot from barren dirt to abundant forest garden. She will share tips on growing community amongst neighbours on the new estate, and how to retrofit a modern house.


16.00 - 17.00 Gender inequalities in permaculture: Zoom discussion

An exploration and sharing of how patriarchy in the Permaculture community impacts women in Permaculture. An interactive session based on sharing our personal experiences, and listening to one another. Open to all who identify as women. This session is for sharing experiences. It takes place on Zoom here.


16.00 - 17.00 What it means to be an Earthkeeper - Down to Earth filmmaker - Sahil Gill

Hear from one of the filmmakers and ask questions. It is requested that you watch Down to Earth prior to attending this session: https://downtoearthfilm.com/paylDOWN to EARTH is a mirror to humanity, a poignant and timely reflection on our ‘civilized’ world. You can watch the film at www.downtoearthfilm.com/payl.

Down to Earth website


17.30 - 19.00 Permaculture in Business - Paige Whitehead of Nyoka, Bob Mehew of Apricot Centre, and Ehab Sayed of Biohm

Hear from permaculture inspired entrepreneurs. Businesses working with the permaculture ethics.


19.00 - 19.30 Report from the Northern Real Farming Conference - Rod Everett, Graham Bell and Charlie Wannop

Hear feedback from three permaculture growers and farmers who attended the inaugural online NRFC at the end of September, along with 400+ others.


19.30 - 20.30 Permaculture Farm Design - Marina O'Connell

Marina is an experienced permaculture designer and teacher, currently working with many landowners and farmers to design viable farm systems.


Catching and Storing Energy

Be part of a huge online knowledge-share...

Whatever our age or circumstances we all bring a lifetime of experience and solutions to the task of co-creating a positive future for people and planet.  During and after the Permaculture Convergence we would love you to be part of the ‘Co-creating our Regenerative Future’ Miro board.  Using this easy-to-use tool we can all add our resources, projects, links and solutions to add to a knowledge-base of information that can be shared far and wide to inform, support and co-create.

Click the link and then sign up to Miro. When you’re in it’s easy to navigate around the board (click the arrow top left to access the hand. Zoom in and out bottom right) and add sticky notes under the relevant headings.  You’ll will also gain access to the links and information that other people share.


Any problems email [email protected] or tag Sarah Spencer in a Miro comment