Dates and times
More dates and times info
DATE: Friday 17th February
New York: 4-5am
London 9-10am
Nairobi: 12-1pm
Tokyo: 6-7pm
Brisbane: 7-8pm
Melbourne:8-9 pm
Auckland: 10-11pm

Our apologies that the time is not great for the Americas.
Free - see booking information
Event summary

Register for the event here:

Are you looking for inspiration for raising funds for your permaculture or regenerative project and want to explore new and innovative ways to generate the support you need for your project to come alive and thrive?

Funding is a perennial question so we are dedicating this month's permaculture masterclass here at the Permaculture Education Institute entirely to responding with a gathering of people experienced in supporting permaculture projects around the world in quite different ways and at different scales.

Join this global panel to explore alternative ways to fundraise, ask questions, share your ideas!

Morag Gamble is the Executive Director of Ethos Foundation and the Permaculture Education Institute. She funds permaculture projects every week in a grassroots people-to-people approach - cultivating direct relationships between the recipients, herself and the community of supporters through forums, perma-culture events, storytelling and educational programs. The Ethos Foundation directly supports local leaders and sends 100% of donations directly to East African refugee settlements and communities of youth and women farmers. Through crowd-funding and relationship building using digital platforms and the culture of permaculture, Morag has raised support for thousands of people to receive free locally-adapted permaculture education, creating a dozen Permayouth hubs, developing learning farms, a grandmother's care farm, as well as tools, seeds and resources. Ethos Foundation was the host of the Youth in Permaculture Prize in 2022 in conjunction with Abundant Earth Foundation, Permaculture Magazine and Lush Spring Prize.

Renata Minerbo is Head of Philanthropy of Be The Earth Foundation. Renata, an architect from Brazil, is passionate about nature and collaboration and started her activism career in 2009. Previously as a social entrepreneur, she accumulated a lot of experience in engaging and empowering diverse communities while transforming collective spaces with participatory methods with her company Acupuntura Urbana. For 12 years she worked on the ground and trained other changemakers within the Warriors Without Weapons international programme, so they could use these participatory tools to lead the change in their own environments. She’s one of the trustees and is Designing and running programmes, as well as finding new relevant partnerships, she’s passionate about the peer learning journey around trust-based philanthropy.

James Atherton, based in Oxford UK, coordinates Re:Fund, and The Lush Spring Prize - a £200,000+ prize fund and other support activities run in collaboration between Lush Cosmetics and Ethical Consumer, with an aim of growing capacity for those repairing the earth’s damaged systems and leaving the world lusher than they found it. The 2023 Lush Spring Prize awards will be announced in May 2023, and include two special collaborative prizes with Be The Earth Foundation and the Permaculture Magazine.

DATE: Friday 17th February
TIME: Check here for your time or take a look below
New York: 4-5am
London 9-10am
Nairobi: 12-1pm
Tokyo: 6-7pm
Brisbane: 7-8pm
Melbourne:8-9 pm
Auckland: 10-11pm
Our apologies that the time is not great for the Americas.

We look forward to seeing you there, but if you can't make it, please register and we can send you the recording.

This session is for everyone interested exploring innovative ways to raise funds for their permaculture or regenerative project. Anyone can join.

Yes, PLEASE SHARE WIDELY. We welcome everyone to attend from around the world!

FREE SESSION ...but please donate generously.

You can join this wonderfully unique and valuable session for free (if you need to), but we warmly invite you to donate as much as you possibly can when you sign up. As part of their global activism, the panelists are donating their time, and the Ethos Foundation will be distributing the funds to local community leaders-activists we know are doing amazing work that makes a difference - regenerating landscapes and the lives of those at the forefront of climate change and the ongoing impacts of colonisation and globalisation, and creating impact projects that support regenerative livelihoods.

This is a perfect example of one way Ethos Foundation raises people-to-people support local projects.100% of every single donation shared with us here will be immediately sent to a young local leader in Uganda who is seeking permaculture resources for running classes for children and youth. You will see many of our African partners on the call and have a chance to say hello.

A donation of $10 will support the planting of 3 fruit trees in a refugee school garden.
A donation of $25 will pay for seeds and tools for one refugee youth to start their permaculture kitchen garden at home with their family.

A donation of $150 will pay for a young person to receive a full locally-adapted permaculture design certificate training in their camp led by local trainers.
We'd love you to become a regular supporter too - there is a button at the checkout to become a monthly supporter.

Read more about the programs at

Permaculture Education Institute, based at Crystal Waters Ecovillage on Gubbi Gubbi country, offers programs to support people around the world to become teachers of permaculture, to activate permaculture communities. The Institute hosts regular global conversations exploring one-planet living and earth restoration - through film, podcast, masterclasses and discussion forums. Permaculture Education Institute also hosts Hive - a global learning community for PDC graduates anywhere in the world.

OPEN FOR REGISTRATION: Permaculture Educators Program - a combined online course and global learning community including permaculture design and teaching certificates

Contact name
Morag Gamble
Event Contact Email