Dates and times
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Free - see booking information
Event summary

We are hardwired to receive information encoded in a story. Great educators use stories and anecdotes to bring their teaching to life and make lessons enjoyable and memorable.
Booking Link:

Morag Gamble invites you to join her this month in conversation with award-winning Australian storyteller and educator, Jenni Cargill-Strong.

They'll discuss:
- What is oral storytelling exactly and how is it different from written storytelling?
- Are we all storytellers?
- How does storytelling for performance differ to applied storytelling?
- What does the latest research tells us about the effectiveness of storytelling to enhance attention, learning and recall and how does that work?
- Can stories be used to shift people's thinking and if so, how?
- Can stories help us be more resilient?
- What is therapeutic storytelling?
- How can I overcome my nerves that make me shy?
and much more...

Stories told soulfully can reconnect us to wonder, reverence, humility and wisdom.

Stories offer a larger perspective on our lives, values and work.

Stories can help us find the courage to keep working for that more beautiful world, even when we feel defeated and discouraged.

Stories can help us endure hardship and loss.

Stories can help us rediscover the wisdom of forgotten ancestors, rekindle hope, joy, solidarity and connectedness.

Storytelling can be used to teach principles in memorable, moving ways and build or rebuild community.

Join this online global event to explore storytelling, ask questions & share your ideas!

DATE: Monday 24th April
TIME: Check your time below
New York: 5-6am
London 10-11am
Nairobi: 12-1pm
Tokyo: 6-7pm
Brisbane: 7-8pm
Melbourne: 7-8 pm
Auckland: 9-10pm

Morag Gamble, founder of Permaculture Education Institute & teacher of permaculture teachers, is a passionate educator and has been deeply involved in creating, supporting and networking stories of sustainable and regenerative projects for 30 years on 5 continents. Her blog and youtube channel include interviews with storytellers from around the world and her podcast Sense-Making in a Changing World features many storytelling pioneers.

Jenni Cargill-Strong is a nationally recognised storyteller and educator with five award-winning story albums. She has thirty years experience telling and twenty years experience teaching storytelling. Jenni has been an invited presenter and workshop leader at Woodford Folk Festival, the Byron Writers Festival, The Australian Fairytale Conference, as well as online storytelling gatherings in the US, including National Storytelling Networks ‘Earth Up’. Jenni is also a part-time academic at Southern Cross University, teaching storytelling for the classroom to student teachers.

Check out Jenni's website:

We look forward to seeing you there, but if you can't make it, please register and we can send you the recording.

This session is for everyone interested exploring innovative ways to raise funds for their permaculture or regenerative project. Anyone can join.

Yes, PLEASE SHARE WIDELY. We welcome everyone to attend from around the world!

Free session ... but please donate generously.
You can join this wonderfully unique and valuable session for free (if you need to), but we warmly invite you to donate as much as you possibly can when you sign up. As part of their global activism, the host always donates her time, and the Ethos Foundation will be distributing the funds to local community leaders-activists we know are doing amazing work that makes a difference - regenerating landscapes and the lives of those at the forefront of climate change and the ongoing impacts of colonisation and globalisation, and creating impact projects that support regenerative livelihoods.

This is a perfect example of one way Ethos Foundation raises people-to-people support local projects.100% of every single donation shared with us here will be immediately sent to a young local leader in Uganda who is seeking permaculture resources for running classes for children and youth. You will see many of our African partners on the call and have a chance to say hello.
- A donation of $10 will support the planting of 3 fruit trees in a refugee school garden.
- A donation of $25 will pay for seeds and tools for one refugee youth to start their permaculture kitchen garden at home with their family.
- A donation of $150 will pay for a young person to receive a full locally-adapted permaculture design certificate training in their camp led by local trainers.

Read more about the programs:

Contact name
Morag Gamble
Event Contact Email
Address of venue
