Dates and times
More dates and times info
Time: 7:00-8:00 PM AEST (film)
Time: 8:00-8:45 PM AEST (conversation)
Free - see booking information
Event summary

FILM: Schooling the World
FEATURING: Helena Norberg-Hodge, Vandana Shiva, Manish Jain and others

SCHOOLING THE WORLD takes a challenging, sometimes funny, ultimately deeply disturbing look at the effects of modern education on the world's last sustainable indigenous cultures.

If you wanted to change an ancient culture in a generation, how would you do it? You would change the way it educates its children.

The U.S. Government knew this in the 19th century when it forced Native American children into government boarding schools. Today, volunteers build schools in traditional societies around the world, convinced that school is the only way to a 'better' life for indigenous children. But is this true? What really happens when we replace a traditional culture's way of learning and understanding the world with our own?

Morag Gamble is a global permaculture, ecovillage ambassador, speaker, educator, mentor and mother of three. She founded the Permaculture Education Institute, curates a blog and YouTube - Our Permaculture Life, leads the Ethos Foundation Charity, and hosts the Sense-Making in a Changing World Podcast, plus these monthly Permaculture Film Club and Permaculture Masterclasses. Morag also mentors Permayouth, the Ethos Fellowship (university without walls) and enjoys life in her ecovillage home.

Permaculture Education Institute
Click the link above to find out more about Morag's work and find links to :

- Permaculture Educators Program
- Ethos Foundation
- Our Permaculture Life Youtube
- Our Permaculture Life Blog
- Sense-Making in a Changing World Podcast
- Permayouth

Manish Jain (featured in this film) is a leading social and educational visionary, a global voice for the unschooling movement, joins the Permaculture Film Club after the screening of the film to talk and respond to Q&A.

Manish Jain is deeply committed to regenerating our diverse knowledge systems and cultural imaginations. He has served for the past 24 years as Coordinator/Co-Founder of Shikshantar: The Peoples’ Institute for Rethinking Education and Development and as co-founder of Swaraj University, Creativity Adda, Learning Societies Unconference, Swapathgami Walkouts-Walkon network, and the Ecoversities Network.

He has edited several books on Vimukt Shiksha (liberating learning). Prior to Shikshantar, Manish worked as one of the principal team members of the UNESCO Learning Without Frontiers global initiative.

In a 'previous life', Manish worked as an investment banker with Morgan Stanley in the belly of the beast. Ever since, he has been trying to unlearn his Master's degree in Education from Harvard University and a B.A. in Economics, International Development and Political Philosophy from Brown University. He and his wife Vidhi have been unschooling themselves with their 20 year old daughter, Kanku, in Udaipur, Rajasthan.

Manish talks about things such as Deschooling Our Lives. Decolonizing Knowledge. Re-imagining Education. Reclaiming Diverse Cultural Imaginations. Reconnecting to Ancient Wisdom, Sharing the Gift Culture. He is a Philosopher. Public Speaker. Filmmaker. Author. Educationist. Strategist. Gift Culture Economist, Unlearning Coach. Intercultural Dialogue Facilitator. Weaver. Slow Food Chef. Urban Farmer. Compassionate Clown.

"When you start to help fields of trust with people, all kinds of crazy things suddenly become possible." Manish Jain


DATE: Monday April 17

DURATION: 1 hour film + Q&A discussion with Manish Jain and Morag Gamble

Permaculture Education Institute, based in a permaculture ecovillage on Gubbi Gubbi country, Australia, offers programs to support people around the world to become teachers of permaculture, to activate permaculture communities. The Institute hosts regular global conversations exploring one-planet living and earth restoration - through film, podcast, masterclasses and discussion forums. Permaculture Education Institute also hosts Hive - a global learning community for PDC graduates anywhere in the world.

Permaculture Educators Program - a combined online course and global learning community including permaculture design and teaching certificates.

Contact name
Morag Gamble
Event Contact Email
Address of venue
