Dates and times
More dates and times info
Time: 3:30 - 4:30 PM AEST
Event summary

Booking Link:

Morag Gamble, founder of the Permaculture Education Institute hosts global permaculture online events every week to thousands of people. How does she do it? What could you be sharing out further with the world?

Hosting online events is a fantastic way to SHARE your local permaculture far and wide:

– stories
– ideas
– techniques
– tips
– services
– education

Benefits of online events
– connect with people everywhere
– invite experts from anywhere
– enhance or deliver your course
– activate your local community
– give people a flavour of your kind of permaculture
– shared recordings long after the event is over to continue conversations and connections.
– reduce carbon footprint of travel
– make your sessions more accessible

Morag will show you how easy it is to organise online events now with oodles of free software available. Come and discover the where, what, how and why of hosting online permaculture events and unlock huge possibilities for sharing permaculture.

– One hour class on 11 April (3:30pm AEST – your time)
– 45 minute tutorial 25 April (3:30 pm AEST – your time)
– Month of chat and feedback possibilities in our global learning community platform, HIVE
– (PS: if you are already a member of our annual SHARE Permaculture program, you do not need to book here)

Host: Morag Gamble
Morag Gamble is a global permaculture, ecovillage ambassador, speaker, educator, mentor and mother of three. She founded the Permaculture Education Institute, curates a blog and YouTube – Our Permaculture Life, leads the Ethos Foundation Charity, and hosts the Sense-Making in a Changing World Podcast, monthly Permaculture Film Club and Permaculture Masterclasses, global networking sessions and workshops like these. Morag also mentors Permayouth, the Ethos Fellowship (university without walls) and enjoys life in her ecovillage home.

Permaculture Education Institute
Click the link above to find out more about Morag’s work and find links to :

– Permaculture Educators Program
– Ethos Foundation
– Our Permaculture Life Youtube
– Our Permaculture Life Blog
– Sense-Making in a Changing World Podcast
– Permayouth

About: SHARE Permaculture
SHARE Permaculture is the Permaculture Education Institute’s place to learn the skills to myceliate permaculture and your offerings as far and wide as possible.

Each month a new topic. Throughout the year we will talk about blogging, website design, youtube, podcasting, storytelling, social media strategy, engaging with media, graphic design, branding and more – all from a permaculture perspective hosted by Morag Gamble and friends of the Permaculture Education Institute.

Become an ANNUAL SHARE Permaculture member and get 2 months free.

Booking Link:

Contact name
Morag Gamble
Event Contact Email
Address of venue
