ARTICLE : How to Create Sustainable Relationships for Living in a Community -

Paititi Institute for the Preservation of Ecology and Indigenous Culture was founded in 2010 from a heart centered commitment to the idealistic vision that our global human family can collectively embody a harmonious, symbiotic and joyful existence with all life on earth. The indigenous wisdom lineages which carry the  millenial wisdom of humanity have been our guiding light in remembering, embodying and sharing wholeistic examples of regenerative living.


From the beginning we resonated deeply that we must “be the change” if we are ever to realize such a vision for all life. Initially we approached the manifestation of this vision with some amount of naiveté and romantic illusions. Little did we know that living in community with other like hearted beings who were coming together in shared resonance would provide so many challenging opportunities for putting our personal evolution into practice.

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