Thank you for joining the Certified Teachers Register

Congratulations - You have joined a globally respected teaching register.  

See a full list of teachers on the register here.

What do I get for joining?

1. You can give out Permaculture Association Britain certificates.  

2. For each learner that you sign up to membership, you can make £12. As a certified teacher, you can benefit from a membership discount for your learners. Membership is £36, but for each person signed up through one of your courses, they can sign up for £24.

We recommend that you incorporate the price of membership into your PDC course fee.

We will soon to sending you a video to showcase the benefits of membership to your learners, to help with marketing. Including membership in their course fee is a real benefit to your learners - they will get additional support and connection from us once your inspiring course is completed. 

3. A voluntary body, the Education Working Group (EWG) will oversee education decisions. They will update curriculum, mediate complaints against certified teachers and review applications to join the CTR. 

4. Additionally the Permaculture Association's Education Lead will make sure decisions made by the education working group are initiated and completed, and will update you of all changes and improvements to the CTR via the website and though other communication methods such as email and events. 

Thank you for being an educator member 

To sign up to and stay on the certified teachers register, you must be an educator member. This is so we can continue to resource the register, keeping it well respected globally. 

There are so many more benefits to being an educator member than being on the CTR. We meet regularly (twice a week during lockdown and once a month otherwise) in educator meetings called MOG's. 

Read more about the benefits of your membership here..

  1. Attend the MOG's (educators CPD / networking meetings)
  2. Access the Google Drive Shared Teaching Resources Folder
  3. Join your private Educator Slack space
  4. Visit the educator portal and make a better teaching profile 
  5. Add your courses
  6. Order your certificates online 

​You can find all these details in your education portal on our website.

Integrate rather than segregate