Permaculture Works spring 2016 coverPermaculture Works is the quarterly members' newsletter of the Permaculture Association. It is buzzing with stories and permaculture news straight from our members. 

This post shares some of the content from the Spring 2016 issue, published in March.

Free poster and features

You can read sections from the latest issue now.

The Design Feature showcases a compost toilet. Permaculture Explained shows how Bristol Permaculture Group Use and Value Diversity.

You can also download the Permaculture and Climate Change Adaptation poster for free, scroll to the bottom of this page to find out how.

Below is listed website links featured in this issue. Please explore and share.

Networks News

Red Pig Farm

Looby Macnamara's people centred design survey. Have you used the design web?

Help build the field shelter at The Inkpot, Lincolnshire in April

Save Steward Wood - successful fundraising effort, now a legal appeal

Run a food policy session for the Peoples Food Policy (by end of March ideally)


Association News

Claim your discount on Green Gathering tickets

Convergence 2016 - tickets on sale in April

How do you use The Permaculture Association websites?



The Permaculture journal survey

Permaculture Enterprise survey

Sign up to PIRN research groups



Education: Find out more about the Ghana Permaculture Institute

Diploma: National Diploma Gathering, April 30 - May 1, Bristol. Limited availability now

Member spotlight:

Scotland: Scotland Convergence 2016 information and bookings

Wales: What would you like to see in a Food Manifesto for Wales? More news from Wales at

International: Find out more about our featured international organisation Habiba

Children in permaculture: Find out more about the project, resources, and upcoming events and courses at


You can also find more information on the events listings, courses, jobs and opportunities pages.

Permaculture Works is free to members and is mailed out in the post plus emailed as a PDF version.


Free permaculture and climate change poster

sign up today for a free posterOur newest poster is permaculture and climate change adaptation.

Download this poster to find practical steps to take now. Plus, excerpts from the newly published book by Thomas Henfrey and Gil Penha-Lopes, Permaculture and climate change adaptation.