Every year seems to see new regional and local permaculture gatherings springing up across the country, organised by groups of members.There's a diverse calendar of events planned for the coming seasons. Below is a list of those we know about.

If you're a Permaculture Association member, you can list your own events on the network noticeboard as well as sell tickets to them via our website. Members will be able to get discounted tickets the national convergence.

Montage of images from gatherings 201724 February: Manchester Permaculture Network local gathering, Hulme Community Garden, Manchester

13 April: Permaculture Ambassadors Conference, Impact Hub, Birmingham

4 - 5 May: Children in Permaculture International Conference, Prague

4 - 7 May: North Scotland and the isles permaculture festival at Rubha Phoil

13 May: South Downs Green Fair, Sustainability Centre, Hampshire

19 - 20 May: Eastern Permaculture Gathering, Norwich (TBC)

2 June: Permaculture Scotland Gathering, Fife

6 - 8 July: Paramaethu Cymru Gathering, Powys

14 - 15 July: Yorkshire Permaculture Gathering, Huddersfield

14 - 15 July: The Inkpot Skillshare, Lincolnshire

28 July: North East Permaculture Gathering, Middlesbrough TBC

29 July: London Permaculture Festival, Cecil Sharp House, Camden

8 - 13 August: European Permaculture Convergence, Ireland

24 - 26 August: Diploma Gathering, The Inkpot, Lincolnshire

21 - 23 September: National Permaculture Convergence with Teachers Meeting, Manchester

These events are an invaluable way to meet others involved in permaculture, to share and learn from each other and to forge new connections. People with all levels of experience are always welcome, there is more often than not delicious food, and there is always something to learn.

We hope to see you at some of these events across the year ahead.


See our network noticeboard for up to the minute event details.